Ceilidh Area is the northern most point of our province, also known as Cape Breton Island.
The island is divided into four provincial counties: Cape Breton, Victoria and Richmond and Inverness which includes five reserves of the Mi'kmag Nations: Eskasoni, Membertou, Wagmatcook, Waycobah and Potlotek/Chapel Island.

Ceilidh Area has four Guiding Districts covering the general locations of
- Cairdeas DS: Port Hawkesbury, St. Peters and Louisdale
- Coastal DS: New Waterford, Louisbourg, Dominion, Port Morien and Glace Bay
- Ocean View DS: The North Side, Sydney River, Sydney Forks, Westmount, Coxheath and Big Pond
- Two Rivers DS: Sydney & Marion Bridge
The Area is managed by a group of dedicated volunteers who provide programming for girls and adult leadership and training opportunities. The Advisory Team consists of Program, Camping, International, PR, Membership, Treasurer, and Training. If you are interested in learning about any of these please reach out to Joyce. Additional information on these roles can be found at the bottom of the Committee Responsibilities Page
Area Contacts
- Area Commissioner: Joyce W at ns-ceilidhac@girlguides.ca
Area Council Positions Needed:
Please contact Joyce, at above email, for current volunteer opportunities.