Provincial Structure

Guiding in Nova Scotia is led by a group dedicated volunteers in various Provincial Council and Provincial Advisory positions. The Provincial Council meets four times a year to review and make strategic decisions for the future of Guiding in our Province. The activities of the NS Provincial Council, Provincial Advisory Committees and the Area Councils are determined by the Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, Bylaws and Strategic Plan.

The NS Provincial Council Committee is lead by the Provincial Commissioner. Each Area is headed by an Area Commissioner who automatically holds a seat on the NS Council.  Deputy Provincial Commissioners, Elected Members for Youth, Property Management and Strategic Communications, Coordinators for Girl Engagement and Member Services along with Risk Management & Compliance Adviser and our Provincial Treasurer round out the Council.

The Provincial Advisory Committees are represented by the Girl Engagement Coordinator and Member Services Coordinator. The Advisory Teams meet as needed to develop, support and enhance opportunities to deliver Guiding, in the advisories of Program, Camping, Membership, Safe Guide, Cookies, Trefoil, Link, Training, Public Relations and International, to our members within the Areas.  

The Provincial Advisory Leads work with their Area Advisers to ensure timely communications of suggestions, opportunities and changes within their respective portfolios.  Provincial Teams and Task groups operate under the Provincial Advisory Committees and are established, as needed, to opportunities such as Kwahee & Quest, special events such as Youth Recognition and Provincial Celebrations Events to name a few. All terms of office are three years.  
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