Extraordinary Options or Extra Ops is an innovative way to deliver Girl Guiding to more girls. Girls who join Guiding under the title of "Extra Ops" participate in programs related to a single activity or theme, such as camping, sports, travel or the arts.
Trex is an Extra Ops program for girls ages 12-17 that focuses on camping and the outdoors. Girls in Trex may choose to work toward badges and program awards by using their outdoor adventures to achieve program outcomes and build new skills and knowledge.
Girls in Trex and Extra Ops are also eligible to participate in independent or provincially sponsored trips and events in their region, across the country or even around the world. Travelling with Girl Guides gives girls the opportunity to make friends from all over the country, take part in unique experiences and create unforgettable memories. Furthermore, girls in these groups can also apply for Girl Guide scholarships to help them pursue their career goals.